October 21 - November 12, 2023
Vernissage: October 21, 20h
Featuring: Jim Bourke, Tonia Di Risio, Soheila Esfahani, James Fowler, Grant Heaps, Gillian Iles, Sarah Kernohan, Ian Mackay, David McClyment, Laura Millard, Sara Mozafari-Lorestani, Tazeen Qayyum, Lois Schklar, Pearl Van Geest, and Elaine Whittaker
Sarah Kernohan, Transatlantic Flint (Glace Bay from points unknown), Pigment print on paper, 2023.
Plan.d Produzentengalerie
Doretheenstr. 59
40235 Düsseldorf
Gallery Hours
Saturday 15 - 18 h
Sunday 15 - 18 h
Finissage: November 12, 15h
The term “node” has many interpretations, ranging from math to botany, computer engineering, social media, and medical applications. At its essence are the concepts of intersection, confluence, and divergence, all eminently applicable in this cultural exchange.
Red Head and Plan.d share many similarities. Both collectives seek to provide a forum for expression outside of established commercial gallery systems. Both are situated in major urban centres rooted in contemporary Western culture- hence, intersection and confluence.
However, cultural history and immediate experience, both personal and creative, are likely to differ widely, hence divergence.
The coming together of these comparables and contrasts makes the potential of Node so exciting.
All aspects of Node, both individual works and collaborative projects, will orbit around these ideas.